Pointing the Way

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Superkids, we began this year with a desire to be different, to allow the Lord to draw us closer to Him. We’ve learned that being different means being like Him in a world that needs Him. Last month we committed to allow Him to teach, train and lead us. So here we are, leaning into His greatness with a heart to love and worship Him. He desires that we be a sign and a wonder, pointing people to His love for them. It’s important to remember that we can’t become a sign and a wonder through our own abilities. Simply yielding to Jesus allows Him to shine through us.


Have you thought much about signs or billboards? The next time you’re in the car, notice why they are there. How many traffic signs do you see? What help do signs give a driver? How about billboards? Are they lit up? What kinds of things are they advertising? Do restaurant billboards make you hungry? If you answered yes, then the billboard or signpost did its job! These examples can teach us a lot!


Signposts have a number of characteristics. A signpost:


  • can have something posted on it, usually a picture of something people want.
  • can often cause the viewer to want what is being offered.
  • can show where to find a product or business.
  • can lead the viewer to decide to have what is being offered.


If we are signposts for Jesus, HE can be the light that shines out of us—posting HIMSELF on our lives. Our lives will cause others to want Him in their lives too! We can tell people how to find Him and lead them to accept Him into their hearts.


Traffic signs can help us see our purpose too. They can:

  • Give directions that help drivers stay safe;
  • Give warnings of potential dangers ahead;
  • Help drivers find their way to a destination;
  • Be held in place by cement so they are not easily moved or damaged.


Can you think of ways this applies to us as a sign to others? How are you a sign or signpost leading your friends and family? Are you making a difference to others in the way they see Jesus?


As we continue to follow Jesus, our trust in Him will grow. The more I walk with the Lord, the more I realize my life is not about how much I can do for Jesus but what I will allow Him to do through me. When I pray for someone to be healed, I must remember that I am not showing my power, but His. I am not a sign for me but for Him. This brings great confidence to display His love and healing! Just like a signpost displaying your favorite restaurant can’t give you a hamburger, it can sure show you where to get one, or make you hungry for one!


Superkid, do you want to live your life on purpose as a sign? Allow Jesus to take charge of your every moment. When good things are happening, give gratitude and credit to Jesus. Let others know He is the One who blesses your life and takes care of you. Have you had a hard time, or an opportunity to be disappointed? Stay in your trusting place with your eyes locked onto Jesus. Let Him help you. When you patiently trust Him, He will bring you to such a place of victory that other people can’t help but see His hand on your life.


Jesus wants others to see Him as He blesses you. This has always been His way of reaching people who don’t belong to Him. Will you let Him plaster and paste Himself all over you like a signpost? If your life were a sign, what would it say? Jesus loves you? He is good to you? He keeps His promises? He heals you?


If you need to know His love, His goodness or His healing, look at it through the viewpoint of a sign. Say, “Jesus, I am available as a sign to others that You love us, that You are our Healer, Savior and Shepherd. I give You my life to show us all how much You love us.”


Now, believe it! Receive His Word and His love for yourself. As you believe what He says about you is true, you will become that sign; cemented, set and fixed in His words of love, life and healing. The more you begin to know Jesus like this, you can’t help but tell people how good He is!


Jesus is pointing us in the right direction, Superkid! We are on our way to knowing Him, the Father and the Holy Spirit like never before! Let’s take a bunch of people with us!


Commander Kellie ♥


Download the September Commander Kellie’s Corner Here!