Holding Back Nothing!

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“This is my gift to You, Jesus. I give You ME! My life, my thoughts, 24/7, every beat of my heart, my skill, my talent, my good and my bad, my strengths and my weaknesses, I give to You now. My gift will be just as daily as Yours is, Jesus. If I begin to hold anything back from You, please show me and I will give it back.”
Merry Christmas, Superkids! This year of giving myself to Jesus has changed me! How about you? As we celebrate His birth, don’t let this become just a “Christmas story.” When we focus on Jesus, His Presence IN us becomes REAL!
December brings us to the “Amen” of our prayer for 2019.
If I begin to hold anything back from You, please show me and I will give it back.
We are going to live our lives with Jesus forever, never holding back, never quitting. When we make mistakes or mess up, we invite Jesus to show us and correct us, so we can quickly turn back to Him. Satan doesn’t want us to see the connection between correction and winning. He wants us to love to win but hate correction. That’s messed up! Hebrews 12 shares the key to focusing on Jesus, keeping this passion and love for Him alive, and keeping Him in our daily lives (see November 2019 CKC). Jesus is the best example of staying focused. He was called to save you and me! He did what the Father called Him to do and He didn’t look back. That’s the only way for us to live with passion and determination and do what God has called US to do.
The Word says in Hebrews 12 that to run OUR race, we must let go of every wound and sin that would try to hold us down and trip us up. Look at verse 2 in The Passion Translation: “We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!”
Wow! Jesus faced the cross focused on YOU—on His love for you!
Think about that! During the worst agony of the cross, when people and all of hell were against Jesus, God helped Him stay focused on you. “So consider carefully how Jesus faced such intense opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls, so that you won’t become worn down and cave in under life’s pressures. After all, you have not yet reached the point of sweating blood in your opposition to sin” (verses 3-4).
Because Jesus stayed focused on us, we can stay focused on Him. Even when it was really hard, He kept going, so you can keep going. Going to the Cross was so hard He sweat blood, but He didn’t give in and cave under pressure! Why? So YOU can keep going and refuse to give up and cave in.
Surprisingly, Hebrews 12 tells us that this is just the wonderful correction of the Father. Whaaaat, Commander Kellie? You heard me! The Father helped Jesus stick to His calling and Jesus helps you stick with yours, all by correcting your steps. Can you win a race if you step off the track?
“And have you forgotten his encouraging words spoken to you as his children?
He said, ‘My child, don’t underestimate the value of the discipline and training of the Lord God, or get depressed when he has to correct you. For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of his faithful love. And when he draws you to himself, it proves you are his delightful child’” (verses 5-6).
Superkid, Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He gave His life to be perfect FOR us. He asks for the right to correct us, so we can have the life He fought for, bought and paid for. He didn’t change His mind when it was tough. He stayed focused on YOU.
Think about this: When the Father sent Jesus to live among us, ALL the love of the Father came with Him. Imagine being the Father and sending Your Son to earth to live among a people You had created, but who didn’t love You. Yet, the Father gave the world the most precious gift heaven had when He gave Jesus. He could have changed His mind when Jesus was on the cross, BUT HE DIDN’T. God turned His face away from Jesus and FOCUSED on YOU while His Son was in hell, paying the ultimate price for you and me to belong to the family of God.
One more encouragement from Hebrews 12:28-29: “Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe.  For our God is a holy, devouring fire!”
Superkid, we have chosen full surrender. We live in this holy fire of Jesus! Make this declaration with me: “I have given my life to Jesus, fully and freely. I will NEVER hold anything back. I love my Savior’s correction because I belong to HIM. I AM NEVER GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND or go back to the way I used to think!”
Merry Christmas, ME! And Merry Christmas to Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit! And a Merry Christmas to all!
Commander Kellie ♥
Idea: Make your own book out of 2019 Commander Kellie’s Corner, beginning with December 2018. Add your own thoughts and journal pages. If you are reading Commander Kellie’s Corner for the first time, or you want a reminder of this last year’s giving prayer, go back and read all the messages I have sent you. It’s a good idea to keep them in front of your eyes. Ask Mom or Dad to help you print them out. We’ve made them available at kcm.org/commanderkellie.